miPic Turns Your Photos Into Luxury Print Products and Your ‘Likes’ Into Cash

LONDON, October 5, 2017 /PRNewswire/ — miPic enables anyone to become the designer. Launching this month at an exclusive Pop-Up Store in London’s Spitalfields, miPic’s unique new platform lets everybody create, share or sell their pictures as luxury art, clothing or lifestyle products, earning them money for free.
Visit the miPic Pop-Up Store and meet the founders, showcasing miPic’s latest technology and product ranges – including quality ‘Made in England‘ framed prints, wallpaper, T-shirts, flip-flops, leggings, cushions and loads more.
“I’ve always enjoyed sharing photos on Instagram and wished that I could print them or gift them to friends and family,” says miPic founder, Carl Thomas. “The problem was that I hated the quality of print products online and felt the traditional high street was way overpriced. I wanted affordable luxury with a cast iron guarantee of quality. Which is exactly why we have built miPic.
“Millions of us create images that have the potential to be hung at a gallery, sold at a retailer or sent as an awesome gift to a loved one. miPic’s mission is simple. We want to empower everybody to create beautiful art and design products, straight from their mobile or laptop.”
- New and unique way to create personalised art, clothes and homeware
- miPic allows anybody to become the designer
- ‘Made in Britain‘ quality and affordable luxury products
- Gives amateur and professional photographers a revenue stream
- Better value than all other personalised print services online and off
- Empowers everybody to create beautiful art and design products
- The ‘go to’ platform to buy, sell and print custom art and design.
miPic‘s message is simple: Share, Showcase, Create!
Founded by Chartered Architect, Carl Thomas, in 2014 with the desire to make art, photography and design accessible to all, miPic won both the “Innovation” and “Peoples’ Choice” awards, beating 450 other entrants at Virgin’s #VOOM2014, pitching to Sir Richard Branson, Nick Jenkins (Moonpig and Dragons Den), Holly Tucker (NOTHS.com) and Peter Williams (Jack Wills).
The idea is simple: miPic provides a platform for users to print, buy and sell pictures as affordable luxury design products.